We already know all the basics to maintain high energy levels while living our busy lives. In theory: eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly and get enough sleep. However, the reality is that it might not be enough.
There’s always so much to do, but never enough time or energy. Instead of reaching for that cup of coffee every time you’re feeling tired, we have a few supplements up our sleeve that will do the job (and maybe even better!).
Here are 5 food supplements to naturally combat fatigue and boost your energy levels:

MCT stands for medium chain triglycerides aka medium chain fatty acids. Your body can digest MCT’s a lot quicker than any other type of fat. They’ll go directly to your liver where they will immediately be used for energy. Here’s a blog post about the differences between MCT oil and coconut oil.
To get that bulletproof coffee effect, take your MCT softgels with a cup of coffee. Instant energy is guaranteed and you’ll power through the day with no effort.
Coenzyme Q10 aka CoQ10 is used in your cells to produce energy that’s necessary for cell growth and maintenance. If your body is not producing CoQ10 properly, not only does it speed up the aging process, you may start feeling tired and fatigued all the time.
With age, certain diseases or taking some prescription drugs may lower your natural CoQ10 levels. Adding a high quality CoQ10 supplement to your diet can help increase your energy and stamina. Plus, it can boost your cognitive awareness too!
PS! Your body absorbs CoQ10 best with a fat containing meal. Take it with MCT Oil for best results.
Magnesium Glycinate & Electrolytes

Magnesium supports the energy production in your body by activating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that helps fight fatigue. Magnesium Glycinate is hands down the best form of magnesium that you can take.
The essential mineral magnesium and the amino acid glycine create a strong bond, and glycine will help magnesium be absorbed better by your body. Furthermore, the added glycine has also benefits on sleep efficiency, cognitive awareness, attention and memory.
Another great supplement to boost your energy levels is Electrolytes. It has lots of different minerals and nutrients, including magnesium, that help fight fatigue. Fluid and electrolyte loss in your body can leave you feeling tired, especially after exercise or during menstruation.
Holy Basil Leaf Extract

Holy Basil is an all-round supplement you can use to fight stress and fatigue. It’s especially great if you’re going through a mentally and/or physically challenging period, because it helps your body to adapt to stress. It supports brain function and mental alertness, and helps you feel relaxed and refreshed in no time.
Holy Basil contains a fat soluble vitamin K, which is a key player in promoting brain function. Take it with a fat containing meal or with a healthy fat supplement like our MCT Oil for maximum absorption.